- Hannimari Jokinen, visual artist and curator
- born in Finland, working in Hamburg/Germany
- Studies of applied linguistics, arts, cultural education and culture management
- Film, photography, spatial installations, performance and internet/multimedia, community art, participatory and interventionist art work in public space
- Exhibitions in European and African countries, the USA, Mexico, Japan, and China
- Research, curatorship, publications, lecturing
- Selected solo exhibitions and projects
- 2012
- Wandsbek World White Revisited, performance in Hamburg-Wandsbek
- within the conference 'Structures and Processes of Commemorating in Academe and History Teaching: The commemoration of the Transatlantic Slave Trade and of the National Socialist Crimes in Comparison',
- Faculty of Education, Dept. for History Didactics, University of Hamburg
- 2011
- Kasernenechos: Widerstand und Widerhall, performance
- (with Christian Kopp, Berlin Postkolonial and participants)
- on the compound of the former Lettow Vorbeck barracks in Hamburg-Jenfeld
- Uncanny Neighbourhoods. Ten Years After Nine-Eleven. Hamburg - New York, photography (with Philipp Lange)
- Bey's, Hamburg
- 2009
- Echos unter der Weltkuppel/Echos under the World Dome, performance
- in and at the main building of the Hamburg University
- (with Gordon Uhlmann)
- afrika-hamburg.de/echos.html (in German)
- An Maria Ernestina/To Maria Ernestina, intervention and performance,
- cultures of remembrance in the sister city project Hamburg - Dar es Salaam
- afrika-hamburg.de/mariaernestina.html (in German)
- 2004 -
- 2005
- afrika-hamburg.de
- one year participation project in urban space in Hamburg and in the internet,
- installation in Kunsthaus Hamburg
- afrika-hamburg.de (in German)
- 2003
- Sehnsuchtsformeln/Cantations of Yearning, video-space-object installation
- festival 'eigenarten'
- Kampnagel Hamburg
- festival-eigenarten.de/sehnsuchtsformeln
- 1999 -
- 2000
- MehrFachLastig, spatial installation
- Art space, Museum der Arbeit/Museum of Work, Hamburg (film)
- 1996
- My Sweet Little Thing, Performance
- symposium 'Inner Spaces', Skoki, Poland (film)
- Selected group exhibitions and projects
- 2019
- Prints Left/The Harbour and Its Discontents
- photography and documents
- exhibition 'Aufenthaltswahrscheinlichkeiten' ('Residence Probabilities'),
- The Blend Inn Studio, Osaka/Japan
- Die Hamburg Zelle. News from the Uncanny Periphery
- photography, exhibition 'Radical Twilight. Expeditionen in die Grauzonen der Wirklichkeit', Frappant Gallery, Hamburg
- "nichts als weiß und doch niemals das gleiche Weiß"
- installation in Hugendubel book store, altonale Art in Shop Windows, Hamburg
- 2018
- Yana Hans - All Parts of the Whole Belong to the Whole
- research project and installation (with Joe Sam-Essandoh)
- within an Artist in Residency program at the Skaftfell Center for Visual Art
- Skaftfell Gallery, Seydisfjördur, Iceland
- 2017
- TRANSlantic - Hans Jonathan
- Sankofa Space
- two installations
- exhibition 'terra incognita'
- within the project 'SANKOFA - Altona in the Caribbean'
- Kesselhaus Galerie, Stadtteilarchiv Ottensen in Hamburg
- sankofa-altona-vi.de/terraincognita.html
- 2016 - 2017
- On That Third of October
- Photo text installation
- exhibition '+/x Dividing by Multiplying'
- Gallery of the City of Gdansk Güntera Grassa, Poland
- 2016
- Greener Pastures
- installation in a shop window
- altonale Festival in Hamburg
- first jury price
- Greener Pastures
- Prints Left/Das Unbehagen im Hafen
- Troubled Waters
- Beach Objects from Lampedusa
- four installations
- exhibition 'ort_m [migration memory]' in Frappant Gallery in Hamburg
- ort-m.de
- 2014
- on that third of october (lampedusa)
- installation in the exhibition 'Gesamtfassungsvermögen 1560 Personen'
- in the bunker Friedensallee in Hamburg (catalogue in German)
- 2012
- EAT INN UTOPIA, eat art in urban space
- cooking-gardens.de (in German)
- zongo. caravans of hope (ghana works), installation
- exhibition within the program Annual Grants for Visual Artists 2011
- by the Ministry of Culture Hamburg
- Kunsthaus Hamburg (catalogue)
- away-is-a-place.de/zongohope.html
- away-is-a-place.de/exhibhh2.html
- 2011
- Ayigya Voices, photography, urban intervention
- Troubled Waters, installation
- 'AWAY IS A PLACE. art approaching local resistance against globalized injustice',
- Urban Art Workshop for students within the 2nd Biennial 'Community Arts in Focus', a cooperation between Nka Foundation, Center for Cultural and African Studies with Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST) as well as Center for National Culture in Kumasi, Ghana
- 2010
- Wißmannklappe, installation in urban space in Shanghai
- 'Shanghai-Hamburg (urban public) Space [SHupS]'
- shanghai-space.net/2010/hmjokinen.html
- 2009
- FHH Küche/Hamburg Kitchen, spatial installation
- The Senator for Cultural Affairs as a Monument, graphics
- exhibition 'Hamburger Ansichten'/'Hamburg Views'
- in the squatted houses and artists' community in Gängeviertel, Hamburg
- Echos unter der Weltkuppel/Echos under the World Dome, performance
- in and at the main building of the Hamburg University
- 'Die Stadt hören', Freies Sender Kombinat (with Gordon Uhlmann)
- afrika-hamburg.de/echos.html (in German)
- Sankofa Space, participative installation
- projection posthum: Heaven above Wandsbek - Guinea - St. Croix, installation
- exhibition 'Kumasi Crossroads - global kiosk affairs', KNUST Museum,
- Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi, Ghana
- (with Gordon Uhlmann)
- Branded Environments , photography
- within the project 'Re-Painting the Red' by Charlie Michaels, Rex Akinruntan,
- Kwadwo Apori, Ralitsa Diana Debrah
- exhibition 'Kumasi Crossroads - global kiosk affairs', KNUST Museum,
- Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi, Ghana
- 2008
- The Agaricus Monument in Bergedorf, performance
- a fictive home story, 'going public 4', art in public space
- in Schlosspark Bergedorf, Hamburg (with Yolanda Gutiérrez) (catalogue)
- 100.000 Körper/100.000 Bodies, installation
- exhibition 'Prototypisieren'
- thealit Bremen (catalogue)
- 2007 -
- 2008
- Wißmannklappe, installation in urban space and exhibition 'wandsbektransformance'
- wandsbektransformance.de/klappe.html (in German)
- Wißmannstraße, vorübergehend/Wißmannstraße, passing by
- installation in urban space and in the exhibition 'wandsbektransformance'
- wandsbektransformance.de/tafel.html (in German)
- projection posthum: Heaven above Wandsbek - Guinea - St. Croix,
- projection and reading in urban space as well as installation in the exhibition 'wandsbektransformance' in Kunsthaus Hamburg
- (with Gordon Uhlmann)
- wandsbektransformance.de/posthum.html (in German)
- 2007
- afrika-hamburg.de, installation
- exhibition 'Everything will be fine', Kunsthalle Lüneburg (catalogue)
- Grenzsoldatenhaus, Border Soldier's House, photographic sequence
- Art Space, University Lüneburg
- 2006
- 100.000 Körper/100.00 Bodies, installation
- exhibition 'Invasionen in den Körper',
- in Frappant, Hamburg-Altona
- Murphys Fall, a six days performance
- with 12 artists during the festival 'altonale'
- Kulturforum Altona
- 2005
- nachgebaut, installation
- Blühende Landschaften, text work
- 'going public 3', exhibition in 'Gartenparadies', Hamburg-Bergedorf
- Grenzsoldatenhaus/Border Soldier's House, photographic sequence
- Wiesbadener Phototage (catalogue)
- 2003
- Standort Barmbek, photographic scenario
- exhibition 'Kunst ist weiblich'
- Cultural Center of the Baltic Countries, Gdansk, Poland
- Standort City Nord, video film
- Project 'City-Nord-Mehr', Hamburg
- fleur du mal, photography
- Los Angeles Biennale Independent Art Exhibition, USA (catalogue)
- and 11st Wave Art Fair, Los Angeles, USA
- 2002
- slipping codes, photo text work
- exhibition 'Desiring Landscapes', Ricsovary Major, Hungary
- www.a-site.org/tr_jokinen.html
- Love Room, installation
- exhibition 'Desiring Landscapes', Ricsovary Major, Hungary
- 2001
- Hybridenmuseum, a virtual museum
- body, maschine, identity
- 1999
- Home: Come to Finn Crisp, installation and performance
- 'International Multimedia Exhibition Sites Abroad',
- Forefront Gallery, England (catalogue)
- Umrundung, performance, slides
- intervention in urban space during the festival 'altonale', Hamburg
- 1998
- Standort Barmbek, audio photo scenario
- exhibition 'Standortbelichtung'
- art space Museum der Arbeit/Museum of Work in Hamburg
- 1997
- Nullpunkt (Kunstraum bitte nicht fegen), space installation
- Nullpunkt (Apu, Voima, Varma), performance
- exhibition 'Suche Arbeit - Brauche Zukunft',
- Museum der Arbeit/Museum of Work (catalogue, book)
- Blockkopf, engelsgleich/Me Enemy Mine, video installation
- NO Galerie, Poznan, Poland
- Virtualitäten, three objects
- City Gallery Arsenal, Art Academy Poznan, Poland (catalogue)
- 1996
- 22 Touches and Traces, video film installation
- NO Galerie, Kunstakademie Poznan, Poland (film)
- 1994
- Memorial, spatial installation in urban space
- in Park am Weiher, Hamburg
- Awards, grants, nominations, art residencies
- 2019
- Nomination for "nach längerer Dunkelheit",
- submission in the limited competition for a memorial in urban space
- in front of the former Gestapo headquarters Stadhaus, Hamburg
- 2018
- Artist Residency
- in Skaftfell Center for Visual Art, Seydisfjördur, Iceland
- (with Joe Sam-Essandoh)
- 2016
- altonale Art Prize, Hamburg
- for the shop window installation Greener Pastures
- Project ort_m [migration memory]
- awarded by Elbkulturfonds der Kulturbehörde Hamburg
- 2011
- AWAY IS A PLACE, with Charlie Michaels, 2. price in the international
- 'Apexart Franchise Two' Call for Art Projects (5000 jury votes worldwide),
- exhibition in the Apexart Gallery in New York
- away-is-a-place.de
- 2011 -
- 2012
- One year working grant of the City of Hamburg
- 2009
- Artist Residency in the program 'Kumasi Crossroads - global kiosk affairs'
- Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi, Ghana
- supported by IFA Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen
- 2004
- afrika-hamburg.de, concept installation
- exhibition M 1:50, Kunsthaus Hamburg,
- awarded with the first prize of Hamburgische Kulturstiftung
- 1996
- Artist Residency of the Art Academy Poznan in Skoki
- 22 Touches and Traces, video flm installation
- award of the City Poznan and the NO Gallery Poznan, Poland
- Curatorship
- 2017
- SANKOFA - Altona in the Caribbean
- Exhibitions and events commemorating the sale of the Danish Caribbean islands to the USA 100 years ago, Hamburg-Altona
- sankofa-altona-vi.de
- 2015 - 2016
- ort_m [migration memory]
- art workshops and exhibition in Hamburg with refugee artists
- ort-m.de/welcome.html
- 2014
- freedom roads! colonial street names · postcolonial cultures of remembrance,
- touring exhibition, second station: Kunsthaus Hamburg, third station: Münchner Stadtmuseum
- www.freedom-roads.de (with Christian Kopp, Berlin Postkolonial)
- 2011
- AWAY IS A PLACE. art approaching local resistance against globalized injustice,
- urban art workshop and exhibition (with Charlie Michaels),
- 2nd Biennial 'Community Arts in Focus', cooperation between Nka Foundation, Center for Cultural and African Studies, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST) as well as Center for National Culture in Kumasi, Ghana
- away-is-a-place.de
- 2010
- freedom roads! colonial street names · postcolonial cultures of remembrance,
- touring exhibition, first station: August-Bebel-Instut in Berlin
- freedom-roads.de (with Christian Kopp, Berlin Postkolonial)
- 2008
- Schimmelmann > pp. Hamburg entfernt ein Kolonialdenkmal
- congress in artists' house FRISE, Hamburg
- within 'Raum geben'
- wandsbektransformance - the Colonial in the Present
- exhibition in Kunsthaus Hamburg
- wandsbektransformance.de
- 2007
- wandsbektransformance - the Colonial in the present
- research and interventions in urban space in Hamburg-Wandsbek,
- a cooperation with 18 artists, historians as well as local residents
- wandsbektransformance.de
- 2006
- Murphys Fall, a six days performance,
- cooperation with 12 artists during the festival 'altonale', Kulturforum Altona
- 1996 -
- 1999
- Exhibition and participation projects
- over 30 cultural events in 'Forum Zukunftsarbeit',
- Museum der Arbeit/Museum of Work in Hamburg,
- exhibition Suche Arbeit - Brauche Zukunft
- exhibition Standortbelichtung - Oder wo beginnt die Zukunft im Stadtteil?
- projects with young people HipHop Working Week and Straßenkrach!
- 1996
- Zugzwang, spatial installations in the metro station U2 Jungfernstieg, Hamburg (catalogue)
- Publications, articles, art catalogues
- 2019
- Review Model vor düsterer Landschaft. Anmerkungen zum fotografischen Werk von Marc Erwin Babej, in: Jalta. Positionen zur jüdischen Gegenwart, edition 05,
- 'Exile - ein Kunstheft'
- Greener Pastures, art edition 53
- in: FKW // Zeitschrift für Geschlechterforschung und Visuelle Kultur
- fkw-journal.de/index.php/fkw/pages/view/edition
- kupla.de/gedition.htm (in German)
- Article Hamburg - Metropole des deutschen Kolonialismus
- with Sybille Bauriedl, in: 'Deutscher Kolonialismus', Geographische Rundschau, Westermann 2019
- 2018
- Online article Model vor düsterer Landschaft
- review of the photography exhibition of Marc Erwin Babej in Hamburg's City Hall
- 2017
- Art catalogue ort_m migration memory (ed. with Dieu-Thanh Hoang)
- Revolver Publishing. ISBN 978-3-95763-365-1
- 2016
- Photography reader Das Unbehagen im Hafen
- Psychogeographical mappings und photographic explorations
- of Hamburg's harbour area
- 2015
- Online article 20 Jahre unkommentiert? Der lange Weg zum angemessenen Umgang mit den NS-Kolonialdenkmälern in Hamburg-Jenfeld
- Online article Kolonialschick sells - über Kolonialwaren, Designerbrillen und eine bronzene Kaffeebohne
- afrika-hamburg.de/koloschick.html
- 2014
- Catalogue an jenem dritten oktober · on that third of october · ce trois octobre là
- Photography from Lampedusa
- Online article Konkurrenz der Erinnerungspolitiken. Lampedusa gedenkt der Bootshavarie vor einem Jahr. Innenansichten von der Insel
- afrika-hamburg.de/lampoktober.html
- 2013
- Memory from below: Colonial monuments and public-participative art in urban space, In: "Politics of Memory. Practices of Remembrance", conference documentation "2013 WCU Alltagsgechichte Transnational Workshop", Research Institute of Comparative History and Culture, Dept. of History, Hanyang University, Seoul, Südkorea
- 2012
- Art catalogue zongo. caravans of hope, Exhibition Annual Grants for Visual Artists 2011 of the City of Hamburg, Publisher: Ministry of Culture, Hamburg
- away-is-a-place.de/AIPpdf/caravansofhopecatalogueHMJ.pdf
- Online exhibition review Museale Schattenwelten
- afrika-hamburg.de/schattenwelt.html
- 2010
- Online article Hier schlägt das koloniale Herz der 'Hafencity'. Ein Spaziergang durch Hamburgs neuen Stadtteil
- 2009
- Online art catalogue Kumasi Crossroads - Global Kiosk Affairs
- (ed. with Gordon Uhlmann)
- wandsbektransformance.de/PDF_WT/KumasiCrossroadsArtistsCatalogue.pdf
- Reader (ed.) Schimmelmann > pp. Hamburg entfernt ein Kolonialdenkmal
- hyperzine Verlag Hamburg, ISBN 978-3-938218-31-0
- 2008
- Art catalogue (ed.) wandsbektransformance - die Gegenwart des Kolonialen
- Dölling und Galitz Verlag Hamburg, ISBN 978-3-937904-67-2
- (with Gordon Uhlmann)
- Article Blicke umkehren. Das Denkmalensemble des "Afrika-Forschers" und Kolonialgouverneurs Wissmann als postkoloniales Debatten-Mahnmal
- im öffentlichen Raum
- Congress reader, Berliner Blätter: 'Ethnographische und ethnologische Beiträge',
- Institut für Europäische Ethnologie der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin and Gesellschaft für Ethnographie e.V.
- 2007
- Article Die Kunst des Postkolonialen: Raum für Wahrnehmung und Debatte, in
- GAL Reader 'Hamburg und Kolonialismus. Kolonialspuren und Gedenkkultur
- im Selbstverständnis der Handelsstadt'
- wandsbektransformance.de/PDF_WT/Aufsatzsammlung.pdf
- 2006
- Article Kolonialdenkmäler und partizipative Plastik - Erinnerungskulturen, Mythen,
- Antithesen, Inversionen, congress reader Postkoloniales Deutschland -
- Erinnern und Versöhnen, Königswinter
- 2003
- Article KunstMensch. Reflexionen des Hybriden in der zeitgenössischen Kunst
- in: Nicole C. Karafyllis (Hg.): Biofakte - Versuch über den Menschen zwischen Artefakt und Lebewesen, mentis verlag Paderborn, ISBN-13 9783897853843
- (with Gordon Uhlmann)
- Article Das Eigentor zur Welt: der Hafen und die Kolonien
- Magazine 'querlight' Nr. 29
- 2002
- Article Viele Welten in Europa
- Magazine 'querlight' Nr. 26
- 2001
- Article Zukunft revisited
- Magazine 'querlight' Nr. 23
- (with Gordon Uhlmann)
- 2000
- Article Packing for Our Future - The Activating Role of Art and Culture Work in
- Participation Projects, lecture and publication for the congress of the
- Council of Europe Strassburg 'The New Social Function of Culture and Cultural
- Heritage' the European Cultural Center in Delphi
- 1999
- Article Menschentechnik - Technikmensch. Bildersammlung für ein virtuelles Hybridenmuseum - ein interaktives Kunstprojekt im Netz,
- in 'kunstwerk journal', nr. 1
- numerous publications of photos in press and media
- Conference papers, lectures, workshops, coaching, councelling
- 2019
- Paper Bell und Buddo, Baur und Blücher - umkämpfte (post)koloniale Gedenkkulturen und Erinnerungsräume in Wandsbek und Altona
- symposium 'Kolonialität in deutschen Hafenstädten', Europa-Universität Flensburg
- Paper Koloniale Kontinuitäten und Brüche. Vom Kolonialinstitut zur Universität Hamburg, Runder Tisch 'Koloniales Erbe', Hamburg
- Decolonize German East Africa War Memorial (Deutsch-Ostafrika-Kriegerdenkmal)
- performances by school students in Hamburg-Jenfeld, project week about colonial history; a cooperation between Chang'ombe Secondary School,
- Dar es Salaam and Gymnasium Farmsen, Hamburg
- Kumbukumbu Art Objects, installation by school students
- In the team for the exhibition 'Industrialisierter Kolonialismus'
- in Museum der Arbeit, Hamburg
- In the 'Beirat Koloniales Erbe' ('Advisory Board Colonial Legacy')
- of the Hamburg Ministry for Culture and Media developing a
- citywide postcolonial concept for Hamburg
- 2018
- Paper Thirdspace. The Hafenmuseum as a Space for
- Decolonization in the Postmigrant Society
- ICMM Regional Conference - 'Harbours. Intersections of the Globalisation. History, Perspectives, Musealization', Museum für Hamburgische Geschichte, Hamburg
- Paper Kolonialgeschichte zwischen Kamerun und Hamburg
- Theatre group Hajusom for the production 'Future Navigation/Azimut', Hamburg
- School project Researching Colonial History, Engaging Civil Society
- Project week at the Gymnasium Othmarschen, Walderseestraße, Hamburg
- 2017
- Introduction Project ort_m [migration memory]
- 'Fluchtspuren in Kultureinrichtungen' / Dialogforum Kultur / Forum Flüchtlingshilfe
- of the Cultural Ministry of Hamburg
- Auswanderermuseum BallinStadt, Hamburg
- Paper Remembering Migration Routes: Project ort_m [migration memory]
- with Refugee Artists
- Seminar 'Las Ciudades Frontizeras antes los Nuevos Nacionalismos'
- ICSA Instituto de Ciencias Sociales y Administración, Estudios Frontizeros,
- Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez, Mexiko
- Paper Dritte Räume. Kunst als Medium der Dekolonisierung und Erinnerungskultur,
- Migration und Teilhabe (Third Spaces. Art as a Medium for Decolonisation, Commemorating Cultures, Migration, and Participation. Projects 2004-2016)
- within the project 'SANKOFA - Altona in der Karibik'
- Gallery Kesselhaus, Stadtteilarchiv Ottensen, Hamburg
- Lecture about the colonial merchant Adolph Woermann and the two street names honouring him in Hamburg
- for the District Board in Hamburg-Ohlsdorf
- 2016
- Paper Commemorating Migration Routes: The Project ort_m [migration memory]
- Workshop 'Borderscapes, Memory and Migration'
- Finland Institute, Berlin
- Paper "Remember history!" Forced Migration and Colonial History
- for Umdenken / Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung,
- an event with Louis Henri Seukwa, Hamburg University for Applied Sciences
- Paper for 'Ein Gedächtnis der Stadt / Hamburg und seine Kolonialgeschichte:
- Nach Kolonialakteuren benannte Straßen in Hamburg' (in German)
- Landeszentrale für Politische Bildung Hamburg
- 2015
- Paper Memory from Below: Colonial Monuments and Public-Participative Art
- in Urban Space, workshop for Franklin University/Switzerland in Hamburg
- 2014
- Paper Die Stadt Neu Erinnern: Dekolonisierung des Öffentlichen Raums
- Conference Ratschlag Stadtteilkultur, 'Mach Dir ein neues Bild von der Stadt'
- in HafenCity University Hamburg
- School project Indigo und Zucker, Palmöl und Kautschuk - Harburg Postkolonial
- Goethe Schule Hamburg-Harburg
- within the Program 'Kulturagenten für Kreative Schulen'
- afrika-hamburg.de/harburg.html (in German)
- Paper Hamburg Neu Lesen: Dekolonisierung des Stadtraums
- mit Medien und Methoden der Kunst
- Faculty Education, Hamburg Highschool for Applied Sciences
- Paper"Remember history - wir sind hier, weil ihr dort wart"
- Lampedusa, Kolonialgeschichte und Kunst
- Symposium "Black Box: Lampedusa, Hamburg und die Kunst"
- Highschool for Visual Arts Hamburg
- 2013
- Paper Nachdenkmalräume am 'Tor zur Welt'. Kunst auf Kolonialen Spuren
- im Öffentlichen Raum
- Inauguration Open Memorial Day/ 'Troublesome Memorials'
- Patriotische Gesellschaft Hamburg
- School project Weiße Flecken der Erinnerung
- in the community school Hamburg-Eidelstedt
- urban research on colonial vestiges, art books
- afrika-hamburg.de/eidelstedt.html (in German)
- altona macht auf!
- Coaching for residents within performative guided tours through the city district,
- theater altonale/altonale 15
- 2012
- altona macht auf!
- Coaching for residents within performative guided tours through the city district,
- theater altonale/altonale 14
- Paper The Slave Trader Heinrich Carl Schimmelmann and
- Cultures of Remembrance in Wandsbek: Vestiges, Myths and Protests,
- Conference 'The slave business and its material and moral hinterlands in Continental Europe (18th to 19th centuries)"', International Slavery Museum, Liverpool
- 2011 -
- 2012
- Workshop jenfeldtransformance: Kleine Exerzitien in Transkulturellen Räumen. Performance als Methode der Geschichtsvermittlung (performance as a method of conveying history), winter semester in the senior seminar History Didactics 'Postcolonial Remembrance in Transcultural Spaces', University of Hamburg
- 2011
- Paper Anders erinnern. Transformationen des kolonialen Gedenkortes auf dem Gelände der Lettow-Vorbeck-Kaserne in Hamburg-Jenfeld: Debatte, Proteste, Alternativen in the senior seminar History Didactics 'Postcolonial Remembrance in Transcultural Spaces', University of Hamburg
- (with Christian Kopp, Berlin Postkolonial)
- Paper Right to the City and to the Land. art, public space and activism,
- 2nd Biennial 'Community Arts in Focus', a cooperation between Nka Foundation, Center for Cultural and African Studies, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST) and Center for National Culture in Kumasi, Ghana
- 2009
- Paper Postkoloniale Interventionen im Stadtraum: Hamburger Thesen - Hamburger Fragen, congress 'Der Hamburger Mythos vom >Tor zur Welt<',
- Eine Welt Netzwerk Hamburg (with Gordon Uhlmann)
- Paper Participating Art Interventions in Urban Space in the Former
- Colonial Metropole Hamburg: afrika-hamburg.de, wandsbektransformance -
- the Colonial in the Present, park postkolonial, symposium 'Tapping Local
- Resources For Sustainable Education Through Art', Kwame Nkrumah University, Kumasi in cooperation with University of Oklahoma
- Paper Visual Arts and Colonial Experience. Images along the Transatlantic
- Slave Route, symposium 'Tapping Local Resources For Sustainable Education Through Art', Kwame Nkrumah University, Kumasi in cooperation with
- University of Oklahoma
- 2008
- Paper Wohin mit Wissmann, Woermann, Schimmelmann?
- Park postkolonial - Raum für Wahrnehmung und Debatte
- congress 'Schimmelmann > pp. Hamburg entfernt
- ein Kolonialdenkmal', FRISE Hamburg
- Three papers
- symposion 'Schimmelmann > pp. Hamburg entfernt ein Kolonialdenkmal'
- in Künstlerhaus FRISE, Hamburg
- Paper Kunst und koloniale Erfahrung. Bilder entlang der transatlantischen Sklavenroute von der Renaissance bis heute
- exhibition 'wandsbektransformance' in Kunsthaus Hamburg
- Paper Blicke umkehren: Das Denkmalensemble des ?Afrika-Forschers' und Kolonialgouverneurs Wissmann als postkoloniales Mahnmal
- im öffentlichen Raum
- exhibition 'wandsbektransformance' in Kunsthaus Hamburg
- Paper Stand und Fall. Zur Konfliktgeschichte des Hamburger
- Wissmann-Kolonialdenkmals
- lecture and film
- exhibition 'wandsbektransformance' in Kunsthaus Hamburg
- 2007
- Paper City History / Global History
- Colonial Monuments, Participative Plastic and Politics
- ESA European Sociology Association
- Sociology for the Arts Conference, Lüneburg April
- Paper Alt und Neu in Sicht: Das Gedenken als transdisziplinäre und
- beteiligungsorientierte work-in-progress
- symposion 'Die Wißmannstraße - öffentliche Erinnerung auf der Probe'/'Zukunft des Gedenkens', Werkstatt der Kulturen in Berlin Februar
- Paper Kolonialdenkmäler als postkoloniale Debatten-Mahnmale im öffentlichen Raum - Rezeptionsgeschichte, Erinnerungskulturen, Inversionen
- Institut für Volkskunde, Hamburg University
- 2006
- Paper Harburg postkolonial
- Geschichtswerkstatt Harburg Hamburg
- Paper Kolonialdenkmäler und partizipative Plastik - Erinnerungskulturen, Mythen, Antithesen, Inversionen
- conference 'Kunst und Ethnographie', Gesellschaft für Ethnographie in cooperation
- with Institut für Europäische Ethnologie, HU and Museum Europäischer Kulturen, State Museums, Humboldt University, Berlin
- Paper Kolonialdenkmäler und partizipative Kunst
- conference Postkoloniales 'Deutschland - Erinnern und Versöhnen',
- Königswinter
- Paper Sprung über die Elbe: Harburg Postkolonial
- Hamburger Architektursommer, Kulturwerkstatt Harburg
- Paper Recalling City History - in Whose Name?
- Colonial Monuments, Participative Plastic and City Politics
- conference 'Urban Contact Zone', Deichtorhallen Hamburg
- 2005
- Paper "Preussische Schießbudenfiguren aufs Kreuz gelegt" -
- Kolonialgeschichte und Denkmalstürze in Hamburg
- Gallery Pony Bar, Hamburg
- Paper Was ist Interkultur?
- 'Frei und Unerhört?' Symposium 'Möglichkeiten,
- Grenzen und spezifische Impulse interkulturellen Kulturschaffens',
- festival eigenarten Hamburg
- Paper Projekt afrika-hamburg.de, Kunst in zwei öffentlichen Räumen
- seminar 'Gegenwartskunst in Hamburg', Faculty of Education,
- Hamburg University
- Paper Projekt afrika-hamburg.de, Kunst in zwei öffentlichen Räumen
- symposion 'Wasser gegen Gewehrkugeln - 100 Jahre Maji-Maji',
- Ökumenische Werkstatt Wuppertal
- Paper Mapping Colonial Traces in Hamburg and Bagamoyo -
- Social Space, Process, Participation, Exchange
- Bagamoyo College of Arts, Tanzania
- 2003
- Paper Projekt afrika-hamburg.de, Kunst in zwei öffentlichen Räumen
- Galerie für Landschaftskunst, Hamburg
- Fundings
- These projects, exhibitions and publications have been funded, among others, by:
- Council of Europe, France
- Elbkulturfonds Hamburg
- Finland Institute, Berlin
- German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation
- State Museum Berlin and Humboldt University Berlin
- Hamburg University
- Hamburg University for Applied Sciences
- Landeszentrale für Politische Bildung Hamburg
- Ministry of Culture, Hamburg
- Ministry of Culture, Munich
- IFA Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen
- Hamburgische Kulturstiftung
- Foundation Erinnern, Verantwortung, Zukunft
- Nordelbisches Mission Center
- NUE Norddeutsche Stiftung für Umwelt und Entwicklung
- Foundation Umverteilen!
- Foundation Do:
- Foundation Erinnerung, Verantwortung, Zukunft EVZ
- Cultural Center of the Baltic Countries, Poland
- Kulturagenten für kreative Schulen
- and several sponsors
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